As acl points out, [this post]( shows you how to setup error highlighting for invalid number of arguments. Coming to the actual error messages used, there are three built-in messages attached to `General`, that can be used for your own functions as well. These are `argx`, `argrx` and `argt`: General::argx (* "`1` called with `2` arguments; 1 argument is expected." *) General::argrx (* "`1` called with `2` arguments; `3` arguments are expected." *) General::argt (* "`1` called with `2` arguments; `3` or `4` arguments are expected." *) You can attach these messages to your own functions (any message defined for `General` can be used for any other symbol) like in the following example (shown only for `argx`): ClearAll@f SyntaxInformation[f] = {"ArgumentsPattern" -> {_}}; f[1] := True f[_] := False f[_, x__] := Message[f::argx, "f", Length@{x} + 1] ![](