I implement one by myself.


count1Cycles[g_Graph] := 
 List @@@ EdgeList[g] // Count[#, _?(#[[1]] == #[[2]] &)] &

count2Cycles[g_Graph] := 
 Map[#[[2]] &, EdgeList[g] // Tally] // Select[# >= 2 &] // 
   Map[Binomial[#, 2] &, #] & // Total

count3Cycles[g_Graph] := Tr[MatrixPower[AdjacencyMatrix[g], 3]]/6;

count4Cycles[g_Graph] := 
  Module[{A = 
     AdjacencyMatrix[g]}, (Tr[MatrixPower[A, 4]] + 
      Tr[MatrixPower[A, 2]] - 2*Total[VertexDegree[g]^2])/8];

count5Cycles[g_Graph] := 
 Module[{A = Normal@AdjacencyMatrix[g], A3, n = VertexCount[g]}, 
  A3 = MatrixPower[A, 
    3]; (Tr[MatrixPower[A, 5]] - 5*Tr[MatrixPower[A, 3]] - 
     5*Sum[(Sum[A[[i, j]], {j, 1, n}] - 2)*A3[[i, i]], {i, 1, n}])/10]

KhomenkoandGolovkoUndirectedKCycles[g_Graph, k_Integer] := 
 Module[{n, vertices, subsets, As, traceSum, i, binomialCoefficient, 
  If[k == 1, Return[count1Cycles[g]]];
  If[k == 2, Return[count2Cycles[g]]];
  n = VertexCount[g];
  vertices = VertexList[g];
  sumOverI = 0;
  For[i = 2, i <= k && i <= n, i++, 
   subsets = Subsets[vertices, {n - i}];
   traceSum = Sum[binomialCoefficient = Binomial[n - i, n - k];
     As = Normal@AdjacencyMatrix[g];
     As = DeleteRowsColumns[As, SubsetToIndices[vertices, subset]];
     binomialCoefficient*Tr[MatrixPower[As, k]], {subset, subsets}];
   sumOverI += ((-1)^(k - i))*traceSum;];

(*Helper function to delete rows and columns from a matrix*)

DeleteRowsColumns[matrix_, indices_] := 
  Module[{tempMatrix}, tempMatrix = matrix;
   (*Delete rows*)tempMatrix = Delete[tempMatrix, List /@ indices];
   (*Delete columns,transpose needed for column deletion*)
   tempMatrix = 
    Transpose[Delete[Transpose[tempMatrix], List /@ indices]];

(*Helper function to convert a subset to indices based on the full \
SubsetToIndices[fullSet_, subset_] := 
 Flatten[Position[fullSet, #] & /@ subset]

GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[graph_Graph, k_Integer] :=
 Module[{H, tr, numNeighbors, adjacencyMatrix, subgraphs, vertices, n},
  vertices = VertexList[graph];
  n = VertexCount[graph];
  adjacencyMatrix = AdjacencyMatrix[graph];
  subgraphs = Select[Subsets[vertices, {1, n}], ConnectedGraphQ[Subgraph[graph, #]] &];
  tr[A_, power_] := Tr[MatrixPower[A, power]];
  numNeighbors[H_] := Length@Complement[vertices, VertexList[H], Flatten[VertexList /@ NeighborhoodGraph[graph, #] & /@ VertexList[H]]];

   1, (* If k == 1*)
   2, (* If k == 2*)

   3, (* If k == 3*)

   4, (* If k == 4*)

   5, (* If k == 5*)
   _, (* Otherwise, use the formula *)
    ((-1)^k / (2*k)) *
      With[{H = Subgraph[graph, sg]},
       Binomial[numNeighbors[H], k - VertexCount[H]] *
        (-1)^VertexCount[H] *
        tr[AdjacencyMatrix[H], k]
       ], {sg, subgraphs}]

I have verified the Mathematica code , **it has passed these following test cases:**

n = 5;
g = CompleteGraph[n]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, n, 1]

(* https://oeis.org/A284947 *)

n = 3;
g = CompleteGraph[{n,n}]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, 2*n, 1]

n = 3;
g = CompleteGraph[{n, n, n}]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, 3*n, 1]

g = Graph[{1 \[UndirectedEdge] 2, 2 \[UndirectedEdge] 2, 
   1 \[UndirectedEdge] 1, 1 \[UndirectedEdge] 1, 
   2 \[UndirectedEdge] 2, 1 \[UndirectedEdge] 2}]

GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, 10 , 1]


\color{red}{\textbf{But the code fails on these test cases.}} \\
\color{red}{\textbf{Can you correct the code? Any help would be appreciated.}}

n = 2;
g = GridGraph[{n, n, n}]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, n^3, 1]

Length /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All] // Tally
HighlightGraph[g, #]& /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All]

n = 3;
g = GridGraph[{n, n}]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, n^2, 1]

Length /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All] // Tally
HighlightGraph[g, #]& /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All]

n = 7;
g = WheelGraph[n]
GiscardetalUndirectedKCycles[g, #] & /@ Range[1, n, 1]

Length /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All] // Tally
HighlightGraph[g, #] & /@ FindCycle[g, Infinity, All]