# Exceptions in the standard stylesheet/style inheritance stack ## Quick list of deviations *Feel free to add anything, try to make it short and if needed add examples or more explanation at the end of the answer.* - `"DockedCell"` style is inserted in every `DockedCell` **before** any explicit style. So either you overwrite "DockedCells" in your stylesheet or use explicit options in `Cell`, see `"DockedCell"` example. - `"InlineCell"` same story but less problematic as "InlineCell" styles are less invasive. So keep that in mind when defining custom `DefaultInlineCellStyle`. - `"InlineCellEditing"` as above if you want to adjust/switch of orange-ish background that appears during edition you need to modify this style even even for custom `DefaultInlineCellStyle` - `All` style + `FormatType` issue, see topic linked below for full explanation. TL;DR;? better do not use `All`. Points from above, with a little background, are mentioned in [Order/Dependency of Styles in a Stylesheet](https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/14835/5478). - `Button(Box)'s` `Appearance` is inserted explicitly during typesetting which makes it impossible to set `Button's` appearance via a stylesheet or style with outer `ButtonBoxOptions`. You need to set `Appearance -> Inherited` to do so. See `Button Appearance` example. ## Motivation The idea and scheme is quite simple see: [**tutorial / WorkingWithStylesheets / Inheritance**](http://reference.wolfram.com/language/tutorial/WorkingWithStylesheets.html) But there is no way to check where current setting for e.g. `FontSize` comes from. Which makes 'debugging' styles extremely painful. Any exception from the simple scheme makes it even worse, that is why one needs to know what to expect. ## Examples \- `"DockedCell"` CreateDocument[{}, DockedCells -> Cell["test", "myDockedCell"], StyleDefinitions -> Notebook[{ Cell[StyleData[StyleDefinitions -> "Default.nb"]], Cell[StyleData["myDockedCell"], Background -> Red, FontSize -> 30] }] ] The docked cell is gray despite stylesheet `Background` spec for `myDockedCell`, `FontSize` works well. That is because `"DockedCell"` style has `Background` option. So every `Cell[content, style, opts]` inside `DockedCells` effectively becomes `Cell[content, "DockedCell, style, opts]`... \- `Button Appearance` Style[ Button["LabeL", Print[1]], ButtonBoxOptions -> {ImageSize -> {200, 200}, Appearance -> "FramedPalette"} ] `ImageSize` is respected but `Appearance` not, you need `Button["LabeL", Print[1], Appearance -> Inherited]` to make it work but then you ask yourself, why bother with nice setup and not create `myButton` function and put all stuff there? Official classification of the issue: [116030#comment315233_116030](https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/115888/evaluation-leak-from-dynamic-in-buttons-action/116030#comment315233_116030)