Suppose we have a point set, the points are labeled 1,2,3,....n. And p[i] is the coordinate of the point. Now I want the label of nearest and next nearest point (maybe several) corresponding every point in this point set. For example: p[1] = {0, 0}; p[2] = {0, 1}; p[3] = {1, 0}; p[4] = {0, 5}; and I want a list for nearest neighbour like this: {{2, 3}, {1}, {1}, {2}} it means that p[2] and p[3] is nearest to p[1], p[1] is nearest to p[2], etc. And I need a similar next nearest neighbour list. I write the following code: num = 5000; Do[p[i] = RandomInteger[{1, 100}, 2], {i, 1, num}]; coolist = Table[p[i], {i, 1, num}]; Clear[position]; position[expr_] := With[{positionData = SortBy[#[[1, 1]] -> #[[All, 2]] & /@ GatherBy[ Extract[expr, #, Verbatim] -> # & /@ Position[expr, _, Depth[expr]], First], Min[Length /@ #[[2]]] &] // Dispatch}, Replace[#, positionData] &]; poscoolist = position[coolist]; Clear[nnsite]; nnsite[k_, coolist_] := Module[{nncoolist}, nncoolist = Nearest[Complement[coolist, {p[k]}], p[k]]; Flatten@ Table[poscoolist[nncoolist[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[nncoolist]}]]; nearestlist = Table[nnsite[i, coolist], {i, 1, num}]; // AbsoluteTiming Thread[Evaluate@Array[nnlabel, num] = nearestlist]; Clear[nnnsite]; nnnsite[k_, coolist_] := Module[{nnncoolist}, nnncoolist = Nearest[Complement[ Delete[coolist, Partition[nnlabel[k], 1]], {p[k]}], p[k]]; Flatten@ Table[poscoolist[nnncoolist[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[nnncoolist]}]]; nextnearestlist = Table[nnnsite[i, coolist], {i, 1, num}]; // AbsoluteTiming the function `position` in the above code is provide by Mr.Wizard (see [here][1]). `nearestlist` and `nextnearestlist` give the result. For 5000 points, it takes 1 minutes. But for 10000 points, it takes 6 minutes. Quite long! I feel that my code is so simple, there must be better ways that are more efficient. [1]: