I have solved this problem. Glynn and Gray (2000) state the settings for PageBreakAbove, PageBreakBelow, PageBreakWithin, and GroupPageBreakWithin are available only in the Option Inspector. Therefore, these settings cannot be applied to Edit Stylesheet. The table titles, tables, and table notes are kept in the same pages using the following procedure:

Select all TableTitle cells by clicking on the bracket of any TableTitle cell while holding keyboard key Alt. Then press Shift + Ctrl + O to open the Option Inspector dialog. Type in PageBreakBelow in Lookup to find four options of PageBreakAbove, PageBreakBelow, PageBreakWithin, and GroupPageBreakWithin. Then choose False for both PageBreakBelow and PageBreakWithin before close the dialop.

Next, in the same way choose False for PageBreakAbove, PageBreakBelow, and PageBreakWith for self-defined TableText cells and select False for PageBreakAbove and PageBreakWith for TableNote cells.

Finally, you will find Mathematica avoids breaking pages among table titles, tables, table notes.