version 10
"10.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (June 29, 2014)"
Consider three cases in LogLinearPlot
's option Ticks
findDivisions[{x1_, x2_}, n_] := FindDivisions[-Log[10, #] & /@ {x1, x2}, n]
myTicks[x1_, x2_] := {10^-#, #} & /@ findDivisions[{x1, x2}, 10]
p1 = LogLinearPlot[Log[10, x], {x, 10^-10, 10},
Ticks -> {myTicks[10^-10, 10], Automatic}];
p2 = LogLinearPlot[Log[10, x], {x, 10^-10, 10},
Ticks -> {myTicks, Automatic}];
p3 = LogLinearPlot[Log[10, x], {x, 10^-10, 10},
Ticks -> {Function[{x1, x2}, {10^-#, #} & /@
findDivisions[{x1, x2}, 10]], Automatic}];
p1 is right.
p2 is wrong with message "Tick specification must be a list or a function"
p3 is wrong with FindDivisions
's error
version 9
All three cases well worked!