Suppose I have a set of "rectangles" and a set of "points":

	rects = RandomReal[10, {5, 2, 2}]
	pts = RandomReal[10, {5, 2}]

>{{{0.00790584, 0.650192}, {9.89555, 9.68768}}, {{2.00866, 8.19521}, {0.897634,
    9.70701}}, {{2.2991, 6.12503}, {0.96816, 5.48855}}, {{1.32548, 
   2.32332}, {7.76135, 5.50949}}, {{0.586896, 9.60602}, {0.982487, 0.343521}}}

>{{8.06562, 4.39186}, {1.42284, 0.27687}, {0.794711, 8.59505}, {2.42136, 
  8.42835}, {5.54556, 7.21645}}

I want to find out which points are members of their associated rectangles. One slow possibility is to use [`RegionMember`](

	MapThread[RegionMember[Rectangle@@#1, #2]&, {rects, pts}]

>{True, RegionMember[
  Rectangle[{2.00866, 8.19521}, {0.897634, 9.70701}], {1.42284, 0.27687}], 
  Rectangle[{2.2991, 6.12503}, {0.96816, 5.48855}], {0.794711, 
   8.59505}], False, 
  Rectangle[{0.586896, 9.60602}, {0.982487, 0.343521}], {5.54556, 7.21645}]}

This approach doesn't work because [`RegionMember`]( needs the first [`Rectangle`]( coordinate to be strictly smaller than the second [`Rectangle`]( coordinate. It also unpacks the ``rects`` variable. I would like a function ``inRange`` that returns 1 if the point is in the rectangle, and 0 otherwise, and I want to avoid unpacking. For the above example:

	inRange[rects, pts]

should return:

	{1, 0, 0, 0, 0}

A compiled solution is acceptable, but I would prefer a version that works  for both packed arrays and mixed data types.

An alternate version using vectors only is fine, e.g.:

	inRange[x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y]