You guys are too fast for me ;) My solution which is similar to @cormullion's: hexToRGB[hex_String] :=Module[{RGB}, RGB = StringCases[hex, RegularExpression["^#(\\w{2})(\\w{2})(\\w{2})"] -> {"$1", "$2", "$3"}] // Flatten; RGBColor[FromDigits[#, 16]/100 - 1 & /@ RGB] ] Graphics[{hexToRGB["#A4A4A4"], Disk[]}] P.S.: Things are not always just `#000000` and `#FFFFFF`. It's mostly varying of shades of `#A4A4A4` :) ***EDIT*** PieChart of the sector angles proportional to {R, G, B} hexToPiechart =PieChart3D @@ {ToExpression@#/255. & /@ (StringCases[#, RegularExpression["^#(\\w{2})(\\w{2})(\\w{2})"] -> {"16^^$1", "16^^$2", "16^^$3"}])} &; hexToPiechart["#A4A4A4"] ![pie chart](