You can use [`FourierCoefficient`]( to pre-calculate the Fourier coefficients to arbitrary degree and then use the result very effectively. There may be some issues with zero-th degree, therefore I excluded this using `Piecewise`. Here's the main code block: f[x_] := Piecewise[{ {-x^3 - 2 x, -2 < x < 0}, {-1 + x, 0 <= x <= 2}}, 0 ]; Module[{x, fp}, (* Set parameters so that the integration runs from -2 to 2 *) fp = {0, Pi/2}; fc = Piecewise[{ {FourierCoefficient[f[x], x, 0, FourierParameters -> fp], # == 0}, {ComplexExpand@FourierCoefficient[f[x], x, #, FourierParameters -> fp], True} }] &; fc = Evaluate /@ fc; ]; The output (`fc`) of this is something very unpleasant to look at; however, there's nothing Fourier-related left there, all the hard math has been done already, and only a bunch of elementary functions remain. `fc` is now a function of one argument that gives you the n-th Fourier coefficient of `f` in no time. (* Calculate the first 2001 Fourier coefficients *) AbsoluteTiming[Table[fc[n], {n, -1000, 1000}]] // First > 0.777059 seconds To convert this back to the function, you have to do the partial sum with your hands, for example here are the second, fourth and eighieth partial sums: myPartialSums = Table[ (* 1/2 and Pi/2 compensate the custom FourierParameters, see documentation of FourierSeries/FourierParameters under "more info" *) 1/2 Re[Sum[fc[k] Exp[Pi/2 I k t], {k, -n, n}]], {n, {2, 4, 80}} ]; > A very large output has been generated, but we're luckily not interested in it anyway but would rather plot it Plot[ {f[t]}~Join~myPartialSums, {t, -10, 10}, PlotRange -> All, Evaluated -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Automatic, Automatic, Automatic} ] >![enter image description here][1] [1]: