With the following code, you can plot the Poincaré sections of the Hénon-Heiles system:

    With[{icv = {0, 0.36169437164930385`, 0.20100851639176504`, 0.029106357137938632`}}, 
    solution = Reap[NDSolve[{x'[t] == px[t], px'[t] == -(x[t] + 2 x[t]* y[t]), 
    y'[t] == py[t], py'[t] == -(y[t] + x[t]^2 - y[t]^2), 
    x[0] == icv[[1]], px[0] == icv[[2]], y[0] == icv[[3]], 
    py[0] == icv[[4]]}, {x, px, y, py}, {t, 0, 1000}, 
    MaxSteps -> ∞, 
    Method -> {"EventLocator", "Event" -> x[t], 
    "EventAction" :> Sow[{y[t], py[t]}]}]];]
    section = Part[solution, 2];

We load the MaTeX package for labels with LaTeX:


Finally, we plot de Poincaré section:

    ListPlot[section, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotStyle -> Black, 
    Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> Black, Axes -> False, LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, Small], 
    FrameLabel -> {{MaTeX["p_{y}", Magnification -> 1.5], None}, 
    {MaTeX["y", Magnification -> 1.5], 
    MaTeX["\\text{Hénon-Heiles system}", Magnification -> 1.3]}}, 
    RotateLabel -> False, Epilog -> Inset[MaTeX["E=0.08333", Magnification -> 1], 
    {0.21, 0.15}, Automatic, 1], ImageSize -> Medium]

The Poincaré section:

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

You can use a For loop to compute with more initial conditions subject to the energy constraint of the Hénon-Heiles system. For more details, see my answer [Poincaré Sections for spring pendulum][2].

With many initial conditions:

[![enter image description here][3]][3]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/HqcLW.png
  [2]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/61637/poincare-section-of-an-hamiltonian/241621#241621
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/C06nM.png