I know, this is very close to [Functions with Options][1] and/or [Function with custom Options and modified Options for built-in Symbols][2], but I don't get it. My function looks like this one: myPlot[data1_, data2_, opts : OptionsPattern[]] := Module[{Rescaled, dataRescaled}, Rescaled[x_, commonZero_: False] := If[commonZero, (* for an common zero line *) x - 5, (* normal *) x ]; dataRescaled = Rescaled[data2]; ListLinePlot[{data1, dataRescaled}, FilterRules[{opts}, Options[ListLinePlot]], PlotLegends -> {"should not", "be the legend"}] ] And this is how I want to call it: myPlot[ Sin[Range[51, 100, .1]], Cos[Range[51, 100, .1]] + 5, PlotLegends -> Automatic ] [![enter image description here][3]][3] But how can I add an option "CommonZero->True"? **EDIT:** I edited my function this way myPlot[data1_, data2_, opts : OptionsPattern[{ListLinePlot, Rescaled}]] := Module[{Rescaled, dataRescaled}, Options[Rescaled] = {CommonZero -> False}; Rescaled[x_, OptionsPattern[]] := If[OptionValue[CommonZero], (* for an common zero line *) x - 5, (* normal *) x ]; dataRescaled = Rescaled[data2, CommonZero -> OptionValue[CommonZero]]; ListLinePlot[{data1, dataRescaled}, FilterRules[{opts}, Options[ListLinePlot]], PlotLegends -> {"should not", "be the legend"}] ] But I doubt this is the right or a nice way to do. [1]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/353/functions-with-options "Functions with Options" [2]: https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/20470/function-with-custom-options-and-modified-options-for-built-in-symbols "Function with custom Options and modified Options for built-in Symbols" [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/vZoIJ.png