Below are some techniques that together with @nikie answer give you a powerful way of detecting specific table grids. The Rubber Band Algorithm ========================= The 3 columns to be detected must be very close to 40%, 15% and 45% of the total table width. Similarly, the line heights have a proportion to follow. So the first problem to solve is how to identify a sequence that matches a proportions pattern. I first tried to look for a _Mathematica_ built-in function as this is a very generic task. The closest I could find is the `SequenceAlignment` function but it work only on strings. So I developed my own algorithm which is explained in this [video]( This is how I implemented it: rubberBandComparePair[wanted_List, suspectsSubset_List] := Module[{rubberBand, reducedSuspects}, rubberBand = Rescale[wanted, { Min@wanted , Max@wanted }, { Min@suspectsSubset, Max@suspectsSubset }]; reducedSuspects = If[Length @ rubberBand < Length @ suspectsSubset, Flatten[Nearest[suspectsSubset, #] & /@ rubberBand], suspectsSubset]; {EuclideanDistance[rubberBand, reducedSuspects] / (Max@reducedSuspects - Min@reducedSuspects), reducedSuspects} ] /; Length@wanted <= Length@suspectsSubset rubberBandCompare[wanted_List, suspects_List] := Module[{w, k = Length @ wanted, costs, sortedSuspects}, sortedSuspects = Union @ Sort @ suspects; w = Length @ sortedSuspects; costs = Flatten[#, 1] & @ Table[rubberBandComparePair[wanted, sortedSuspects[[start ;; end]]], {start, 1, w - k + 1}, {end, start + k - 1, w}]; SortBy[costs, First][[1]] ] /; Length @ Union @ suspects >= Length @ wanted rubberBandCompare[wanted_List, suspects_List] := {∞, {}} /; Length[Union@suspects] < Length[wanted] For example if we are looking for a sequence proportional to {1,2,4} in the list {9, 10, 15, 21, 40, 55}: In[1] = rubberBandCompare[{1, 2, 4}, {9, 10, 15, 21, 40, 55}] Out[1] = {1/30, {10, 21, 40}} and we have detected that {10,21,40} matches {1,2,4} with an error of 1/30. Notice that this error is a relative error that does not change with scale: In[2] = rubberBandCompare[{1, 2, 4}, {90, 100, 150, 210, 400, 550}] Out[2] = {1/30, {100, 210, 400}} Detecting horizontal and vertical lines ======================================= In order to detect lines we can use `ImageLines[]` or we can use the lower lever `Radon[]`. The advantage of `ImageLines` is that it is fast and simple, but it always looks for lines in all directions whereas `Radon` lets you look for lines in a specific direction. I implemented solutions using both, but I'll explain here only the ImageLines[] solution which worked well in a large number of cases. `ImageLines` returns a list of lines where each line is defined by 2 points. So we first write this very simple function to calculate the angle of a line: lineAngle::usage = "lineAngle[{{x1,y1},{x2,y2}}] returns the angle of the line that goes through points {x1,y1} and {x2,y2}."; lineAngle[{{ x_?NumericQ, y_?NumericQ},{x_ , y_ }}]:=Indeterminate lineAngle[{{ x_?NumericQ,y1_?NumericQ},{x_ , y2_?NumericQ}}]:=Pi/2 lineAngle[{{x1_?NumericQ,y1_?NumericQ},{x2_?NumericQ, y2_?NumericQ}}]:=ArcTan[(y2-y1)/(x2-x1)] When we call ImageLines later on, it will return a list of lines, so we need a function to select the ones that are close to the desired direction. For this I wrote this function: selectLinesNearAngle::usage = "selectLinesNearAngle[{{{x1,y1},{x2,y2}},...}, angle, tolerance] \ selects the lines that have an inclination of angle +/- tolerance. \ Each line is defined by a pair of points."; selectLinesNearAngle[lines_List, angle_?NumericQ, angularTolerance:(_?NumericQ): 4°] := Select[ lines, Or @@ Thread[Abs[lineAngle[#] - angle + {-Pi, 0, Pi}] < angularTolerance] &] Now we are ready to write our modified version of `ImageLines` for horizontal or vertical lines: Options[angularImageLines] = {"Debug" -> False}; angularImageLines[img_Image, α_, OptionsPattern[]]:= Module[ {lines, selectedLines, binarizedImage}, binarizedImage = Binarize@GaussianFilter[img, 3, Switch[α, 0, {2,0}, Pi/2, {0,2}]]; lines = ImageLines[binarizedImage]; selectedLines = selectLinesNearAngle[lines,α]; If[OptionValue["Debug"], Print[Show[binarizedImage, Epilog -> {Green, Line /@ selectedLines}]]]; selectedLines ]/; α==0 || α==Pi/2 Notice that `binarizedImage` is using GaussianFilters as @nikie recommends. This is an example of how it works: ![Mathematica graphics]( Searching for the lines that match wanted proportions ===================================================== It is now the time to use `rubberBandCompare` and `angularImageLines` together: matchedLines[wanted_List, g_Image, α_] := Module[ {candidateSequence, suspects, error, bestMatch, lines}, lines = angularImageLines[g, α]; suspects = Sort[Switch[α, Pi/2, First, 0, Last] /@ ((#1[[1]] + #1[[2]])/2 & ) /@ lines]; candidateSequence = rubberBandCompare[wanted, suspects]; If[Head[candidateSequence] === rubberBandCompare, Return[$Failed]]; {error, bestMatch} = candidateSequence; If[α == Pi/2 && error > 0.01176495, Return[$Failed]]; If[α == 0 && error > 0.02994115, Return[$Failed]]; (Cases[lines, {{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}} /; Switch[α, Pi/2, (x1+x2)/2, 0, (y1+y2)/2] == #1, 1, 1][[1]] & ) /@ candidateSequence[[2]] ] Notice that the error needs to be lower than a calibration constant for the solution to be accepted. These constants are found using a set of sample files, and making a histogram of the errors. This is an example: ![Mathematica graphics]( Lines Intersections =================== This function finds the intersection of two lines. It was found in the `PlaneGeometry.m` package by Eric Weisstein (see <>): Intersections[Line[{{x1_, y1_}, {x2_, y2_}}], Line[{{x3_, y3_}, {x4_, y4_}}]] := Module[ {d = (x1-x2) * (y3-y4) - (x3-x4) * (y1-y2), d12 = Det[{{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}}], d34 = Det[{{x3, y3}, {x4, y4}}]}, If[NumericQ[d] && d == 0., PointAtInfinity, {Det[ {{d12, x1-x2}, {d34, x3-x4}} ]/d, Det[ {{d12, y1-y2}, {d34, y3-y4}} ]/d}] ] Uniformize Background ===================== This technique is explained by @nikes [here]( I just added the `/.0. -> 0.0001` in order to avoid division by zero when large pure black areas are present: uniformizeBackground[g_Image] := Image[ImageData[g]/(ImageData[Closing[g, DiskMatrix[5]] /. 0. -> 0.0001)] Grid Centers ============ gridCenters[g_Image] := Module[ {gAdjusted, hLines, vLines, wantedX = {16.5, 224.5, 302.5, 535.5}, wantedY = {22.5, 50.5, 97.5, 125.5, 154.5}}, gAdjusted = uniformizeBackground[g]; {hLines, vLines} = {{wantedY, 0}, {wantedX, Pi/2}} /. {wanted_List, (α_)?NumericQ} :> matchedLines[wanted, gAdjusted, α, opts]; If[hLines == $Failed || vLines == $Failed, Return[$Failed]]; Outer[Intersections, Line /@ hLines, Line /@ vLines] ] The `wantedX` and `wantedY` are found from a sample image using the get coordinates tool from the drawing tools palette. Once we have the grid centers, we can use the same techniques that @nikie used to identify and straighten any of the cells. This is an example: ![very light table]( ![gridCenters example]( ![Mathematica graphics]( A final comment =============== My main contribution in this answer in the rubberBandCompare function which useful to other people in other areas. If it was already invented somewhere else, please let me know.