As [Pinguin Dirk][1] comments there is an example of exactly this in [the documentation]( Grid[Table[x, {4}, {7}], Background -> {None, None, {{1, 1} -> Pink, {3, 3} -> Red}}] ![enter image description here][2] Those who value brevity may wish to note that implicit `Null` may be used in place of `None`: Background -> {, , {{1, 1} -> Pink, {3, 3} -> Red}} You can also use [`Item`]( and [`MapAt`]( tbl = Table[x, {4}, {7}]; MapAt[Item[#, Background -> Pink] &, tbl, {{3, 3}, {2, 6}}] // Grid ![enter image description here][3] You could also use `Style` but that won't fill the cell (can be finetuned by using `Pane` though): {Grid[{{1, 2}, {3, Style[4, Background -> Pink]}}, Frame -> All], Grid[{{1, 2}, {3, Item[4, Background -> Pink]}}, Frame -> All]} ![enter image description here][4] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: