This becomes an integration problem. The generated integrals do not have closed form solution. Maple gives two integrals. I tried to solve one of them to start with, and none of Mathematica, Rubi, Maple nor FriCAS could solve them. FriCAS reported a "Poterntial Pole" on it. So I do not think there is closed form solution to the ODE you have. I will show what I did, and you are free to duplicate it and see for yourself. First converted the ODE to Maple, and Maple gave solution in terms of integrals restart; with(MmaTranslator); ode:=FromMma(`y'[x] == (a/E^y[x] - E^((r/l) y[x]) b + c - d E^y[x])/(-(f/E^y[x]) - E^((r/l) y[x]) g + h)`); ![Mathematica graphics]( sol:=dsolve({ode,y(0) = p},y(x)): DEtools[remove_RootOf](sol); ![Mathematica graphics]( But these integrals do not have closed form solution. Looking at the second one, copied it to Mathematica and tried integrand1=(g*Exp[a*(l+r)/l]-h*Exp[a]+f)/(b*Exp[a*(l+r)/l]+d*Exp[2*a]-c*Exp[a]-a) ![Mathematica graphics]( Integrate[integrand1, {a, 0, p}] ![Mathematica graphics]( Rubi can do part of it: ShowSteps=False; Int[integrand1,a] ![Mathematica graphics]( The parts with `Int` stuck to them above, means it can't integrate these terms. Then I tried FriCAS setSimplifyDenomsFlag(true) integrate((g*exp(a*(l+r)/l)-h*exp(a)+f)/(b*exp(a*(l+r)/l)+d*exp(2*a)-c*exp(a)-a),a=0..p) And it can't do it. and it says "potentialPole" ![Mathematica graphics]( You might want to ask in the Math forum if someone can solve this analytically.