For a continuous function you could do something like this: SetAttributes[argPlot, HoldAll]; Options[argPlot] = Options[Plot]; argPlot[exp_, {x_, x0_, x1_}, opt : OptionsPattern[argPlot]] := Module[{pts, pl}, pl = Plot[Arg[exp], {a, x0, x1}, PlotRange -> All, PlotPoints -> OptionValue[PlotPoints]]; pts = SortBy[Cases[pl, Line[pts_] :> pts, Infinity], #[[1, 1]] &]; pts = Reap[Fold[Module[{ptsn}, ptsn = #2; ptsn[[All, 2]] -= Round[ptsn[[1, 2]] - #1, 2 Pi]; Sow[ptsn]; ptsn[[-1, 2]]] &, 0, pts];][[2, 1]]; ListLinePlot[Flatten[pts, 1], opt]] argPlot[3 + 2 Exp[3 I a] + Exp[(1 - I a^2)], {a, -8, 8}] ![Mathematica graphics]( Compared to an ordinary plot of the `Arg[3 + 2 Exp[3 I a] + Exp[(1 - I a^2)]]` Plot[Arg[3 + 2 Exp[3 I a] + Exp[(1 - I a^2)]], {a, -8, 8}, PlotRange -> All] ![Mathematica graphics](