I am trying to call Mathematica 10 from F#. Following the C# sample code found in the Mathematica directory, I have written the following F# code:
type TestClass() =
member this.AddNumsWithWM (m : int) (n : int) : int =
let ml = MathLinkFactory.CreateKernelLink()
ml.PutFunction("EvaluatePacket", 1)
ml.PutFunction("testWMFunc", 2)
ml.WaitForAnswer() |> ignore
let res = ml.GetInteger() // THE ERROR OCCURS HERE!
The Mathematica function testFunc
is simply:
testFunc[m_Integer, n_Integer] := m + 2 * n;
But when I call the function AddNumsWithWM 2 3
, I get the following error at the line indicated above:
Wolfram.NETLink.MathLinkException was unhandled
Message: An unhandled exception of type 'Wolfram.NETLink.MathLinkException' occurred in Wolfram.NETLink.dll
Additional information: Error code: 3.
I don't understand, because the sample C#, from which this has been translated literally, works. Any idea why I would get the above error?
Thanks in advance for your help.