From what I understand, you want to compute the Jacobian matrix of a function $f$ at $(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)$ and evaluate it at a given point, say $(2,2,\dots,2)$.

This seems to be the function you are interested in:

    f[{X__}] := {X} RotateLeft[{X}, 1] - 1;

    In[2]:= f[{x1,x2,x3}]
    Out[2]= {-1+x1 x2,-1+x2 x3,-1+x1 x3}

Since the dimension may change, we want to use `SetDelay` or `:=` so that the Jacobian function recomputes the matrix every time it is called.

    J[{X__}] := D[f[{X}], {{X}}]

    In[4]:= J[{x1,x2,x3}]
    Out[4]= {{x2,x1,0},{0,x3,x2},{x3,0,x1}}

If you want the Jacobian matrix of $f$ at the point $(2,3,4)$, you can do the substitution

    In[5]:= J[{x1,x2,x3}] /. Thread[{x1,x2,x3}->{2,3,4}]
    Out[5]= {{3,2,0},{0,4,3},{4,0,2}}

I would also recommend that you avoid using subscripts.  Here is one way to generate a vector of variables such as `{x1,x2,x3,x4,x5}` programatically:

    In[6]:= ToExpression[Table["x"~~ToString[k],{k,1,5}]]
    Out[6]= {x1,x2,x3,x4,x5}

    variableVector[n_] := ToExpression[Table["x" ~~ ToString[k], {k, 1, n}]];

Now we can write a function which computes the Jacobian at a given point as follows:

    Jvalue[{Y__}] := With[
      J[X] /. Thread[X->{Y}]

    In[9]:= Jvalue[{2,3,4}]
    Out[9]= {{3,2,0},{0,4,3},{4,0,2}}


If all you need is the sparse array of the Jacobian matrix of $f$ evaluated at a vector, you can do the following:

    xVariables = Map[x, Range[10000]];
    Evaluate[xVariables] = RandomInteger[{1, 20}, 10000];
    sparse = SparseArray[{{10000, 10000} -> x[1], {10000, 1} -> x[10000], {i_,i_} -> x[i + 1], ({i_, j_} /; j - i == 1) -> x[i]}, {10000, 10000}]

Here I used `x[i]` as dummy variable following J.M's suggestion, and `xVariables` is set to `{x[1],x[2],...,x[10000]}`.  The next line sets `x[i]` to the `i`-th element of the random vector.  The last line is where I use the fact that the Jacobian matrix of $f$ has a really nice pattern. You can check that `sparse` does have the correct values, say by evaluating `sparse[[1,2]]` and `sparse[[1,3]]`.