You could use ```ComplexContourPlot``` for visualising the real and imaginary axes on the complex ```z``` plane under the complex exponential mapping ```Exp[z]```. Define function for complex mapping: ```f[z_] := Exp[z]``` Then use ```ComplexContourPlot``` for visualising the contours: Edit: ```Contours``` and ```ContourLabels``` added to ```ComplexContourPlot``` following [Michael E2][1] comment. This shows more clearly that the same lines are displayed in both contour plots. ``` {ComplexContourPlot[ReIm[z], {z, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I}, PlotLabel -> z, Contours -> {Range[-2, 2]}, ContourLabels -> All], ComplexContourPlot[ReIm[f[z]], {z, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I}, PlotLabel -> f[z], Contours -> {Range[-2, 2]}, ContourLabels -> All]} // Grid[{#}, Frame -> True] & ``` The result: [![enter image description here][2]][2] Also you could look into the modulus and argument of ```Exp[z]```. Perhaps this shows more clearly the mapping: ``` {ComplexContourPlot[AbsArg[z], {z, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I}, PlotLabel -> z, Contours -> {Range[-3, 3]}, ContourLabels -> All], ComplexContourPlot[AbsArg[f[z]], {z, -3 - 3 I, 3 + 3 I}, PlotLabel -> f[z], Contours -> {Range[-3, 3]}, ContourLabels -> All]} // Grid[{#}, Frame -> True] & ``` [![enter image description here][3]][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: Here you can see that circles in ```z``` plane (```Abs[z]```constant) are mapped into real lines ```Exp[x+Iy] (* Exp[x] is constant *)```, and that lines through the origin in the ```z``` plane (```Arg[z]```constant) are mapped into ```Exp[x+Iy] (* y is constant*)``` lines.