Since it seems like you want constants accessible from a number of applications, why not create a package of constants and start each application by calling the constants you need. You would then change the constants only in the package should they ever need changing. (* Mathematica Package *) BeginPackage["CONSTANTS`"] (* Exported symbols added here with SymbolName::usage *) constant1::usage = "some text" constant2::usage = "some text" constant3::usage = "some text" Begin["`Private`"] (* Begin Private Context *) constant1[]: = 22; constant2[]: = "myConstant"; constant3[]: = 0.618; End[] (* End Private Context *) EndPackage[] See: [Package development][1] Place package in an appropriate directory so Mathematica can see it. To give your notebooks access to the constants: Needs["CONSTANTS`"] constant1[] constant2[] constant3[] 22 "myConstant" 0.618 Just a sketch but this should give you the idea. [1]: