Here is logical formula: $$\bigwedge_{i=1}^{9} \bigwedge_{n=1}^{9} \bigvee_{j=1}^{9}~p(i,j,n)$$ To use it in Mathematica I [use][1] that code: X=Array[p[#1,#3,#2]&,{9,9,9}];a=Apply[And,Apply[And,Apply[Or,X,{2}],{1}],{0}]; Y=Array[p,{9,9,9}];b=Apply[And,Apply[And,Apply[Or,Transpose[Y,{1,3,2}],{2}],{1}],{0}]; c = 0 Two methods are used above. In the first one, I am putting the result in `a` variable and with the second method in `b` variable. Now: >In[82]:= MatchQ[a,b] >Out[82]= True >In[81]:= MatchQ[a,c] >Out[81]= False So, I conclude that the output of `a` and `b` are the same. Now I want to check the *logical equivalence* of `a` and `b`. I tried: >In[74]:= TrueQ[Equivalent[a, b]] >Out[74]= True >In[76]:= TrueQ[Equivalent[a, c]] >Out[76]= False >In[77]:= TrueQ[Equal[a,b]] >Out[77]= True >In[78]:= TrueQ[Equal[a,c]] >Out[78]= False >In[72]:= SameQ[a,b] >Out[72]= True >In[73]:= SameQ[a,c] >Out[73]= False ---- **Questions:** 1. What is called the content of `a` and `b`? Logical formula? Function(s)? Normal expression? Object? Other? 2. Are the all ways of checking the *logical equivalence* of `a` and `b` that I have used above right? 3. Are there any other possible ways to check the *logical equivalence* of `a` and `b` that I have not used above? 4. Is there one best way to check the *logical equivalence* of `a` and `b` and if yes which one and why its is best one? [1]: