Struggled for a while on this problem and hopefully you can help...  I have a mathematical expression that currently has a symbol where I used to have a function variable.  How do I make the symbol back into a variable, so that my expression becomes a function again?  My function became an expression when I saved it in a matrix, and so now I'm trying to make the different matrix elements back into functions after having constructed the matrix.  Thanks in advance.

>INCLUDING SOME CODE (my first time contributing on this website...)

Imagine a For loop sum (I've removed a substantial amount of code that's irrelevant for now)

    elecdipole (*some vector of numbers*)
    SumPstatesalpha[λ_, Alpharank_]  (*a predefined function of λ, Alpharank*)

    For[fsum = 1, fsum <= 3, fsum++,(
       For[jsum = 1, jsum <=Length[elecdipole], jsum++,(
    Pstatesalpha[λ_] = (delem*a0)^2*SumPstatesalpha[λ,Alpharank] + Pstatesalpha[λ];
    AppendTo[RankMatrix, {Alpharank,Pstatesalpha[λ]}]

Note that I've saved    Pstatesalpha[λ] 
as a function into     `RankMatrix`.
When I want to access (for instance) 


Mathematica returns an expression that includes $\lambda$, but I can't use it as a function anymore.