I started exploring GPIO operations on the RPi with Mathematica by following [this brief tutorial](http://community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/157473?p_p_auth=AE8x4AXd) which describes how to use `DeviceWrite` to cycle an LED on and off. A natural extension is to use `DeviceRead` to find the current value of the pin, and this seems to work as well. I then thought I would attempt to translate some of the introductory python scripts that [Adafruit uses](http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruits-raspberry-pi-lesson-4-gpio-setup/configuring-gpio) to demonstrate basic features of the RPi GPIO programming. In particular, I am trying to operate a [basic photocell](http://learn.adafruit.com/basic-resistor-sensor-reading-on-raspberry-pi/basic-photocell-reading) for light monitoring. The meat of the python code is this: > def RCtime (RCpin): > reading = 0 > GPIO.setup(RCpin, GPIO.OUT) > GPIO.output(RCpin, GPIO.LOW) > time.sleep(0.1) > > GPIO.setup(RCpin, GPIO.IN) > # This takes about 1 millisecond per loop cycle > while (GPIO.input(RCpin) == GPIO.LOW): > reading += 1 > return reading which I first attempted to replicate with: lightMeasure[] := Module[{r = 0, pin = 23}, DeviceWrite["GPIO", pin -> 0]; While[(pin /. DeviceRead["GPIO", pin]) == 0, r++]; r ] This function always returns 0. Executing something like: DeviceWrite["GPIO", 23->0];DeviceRead["GPIO",23] Gives a value of 1, which I interpret to mean that the `DeviceWrite` operation is not discharging the capacitor. To test this, I removed the circuit from +3.3V and executed the code above, and the result is still 23 -> 1. I can then physically remove the capacitor, discharge it and return it to the circuit. Finally, I get 23->0. Looking at the python code, I *think* that the GPIO.setup/GPIO.output/time.sleep commands force the pin low for 100 ms, allowing the capacitor to discharge. It does not look like the analogous Mathematica command, `DeviceWrite` is able to do the same thing. Is there some way I might be able to force a Device object to maintain a set value for a given amount of time?