Do not apply this method to long lists, where Batch mode would be more efficient and less abusive to the API provider. See [this other answer][1]. 3 API Integrated solution ------------------- ClearAll[IP2Location]; Options[IP2Location] = {Method -> Automatic}; SetAttributes[IP2Location, Listable] IP2Location[ip_String | IPAddress[ip_String], OptionsPattern[]] := Block[{url, response, methodlist, method, latlon}, methodlist = {"nekudo", "freegeoip", "ip-api"}; method = If[ OptionValue[Method] === Automatic || FreeQ[methodlist, OptionValue[Method]], RandomChoice[methodlist], OptionValue[Method] ]; url = URLBuild@Switch[method, "nekudo", <|"Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"api", ip}|>, "freegeoip", <|"Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"json", ip}|>, "ip-api", <|"Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"json", ip}|> ]; response = Import[url, "RawJSON"]; latlon = ToExpression@Values[ Switch[method, "nekudo", Query["location", {"latitude", "longitude"}], "freegeoip", Query[{"latitude", "longitude"}], "ip-api", Query[{"lat", "lon"}] ][response] ]; (*Echo[response,method];*) GeoLocation[latlon] ] Performance ----------- First@AbsoluteTiming@IP2Location[iplist] (*37.6867*) Failed in 7 sites. API ------------ IP2Location1[ip_String] := Block[ { response = Import[ URLBuild[ <| "Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"json", ip} |> ], "RawJSON"] }, GeoLocation@Values[Query[{"lat", "lon"}, ToExpression][response]] ] SetAttributes[IP2Location1, Listable] AbsoluteTiming@ IP2Location1@{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} (* {0.539081, {GeoLocation[{38.6143, -90.4444}], GeoLocation[{37.7697, -122.393}], GeoLocation[{37.4192, -122.057}], GeoLocation[{39.9289, 116.388}], GeoLocation[{52.52, 13.405}], GeoLocation[{35.6427, 139.768}], GeoLocation[{48.8573, 2.32965}], GeoLocation[{48.25, 11.65}]}} *) API ----------------- IP2Location2[ip_String] := Block[ { response = Import[ URLBuild[ <| "Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"json", ip} |> ], "RawJSON"] }, GeoLocation@ Values[Query[{"latitude", "longitude"}, ToExpression][response]] ] SetAttributes[IP2Location2, Listable] AbsoluteTiming@ IP2Location2@{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} (* {1.32305, {GeoLocation[{28.5383, -81.3792}], GeoLocation[{37.7697, -122.393}], GeoLocation[{37.4192, -122.057}], GeoLocation[{39.9289, 116.388}], GeoLocation[{37.751, -97.822}], GeoLocation[{35.6427, 139.768}], GeoLocation[{48.8582, 2.3387}], GeoLocation[{48.25, 11.65}]}} *) API -------------------- IP2Location3[ip_String] := Block[ { response = Import[ URLBuild[ <| "Scheme" -> "http", "Domain" -> "", "Path" -> {"api", ip} |> ], "RawJSON"] }, GeoLocation@ Values[Query["location", {"latitude", "longitude"}, ToExpression][ response]] ] SetAttributes[IP2Location3, Listable] AbsoluteTiming@ IP2Location3@{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""} (* {0.644036, {GeoLocation[{28.5383, -81.3792}], GeoLocation[{37.7697, -122.393}], GeoLocation[{37.4192, -122.057}], GeoLocation[{39.9289, 116.388}], GeoLocation[{37.751, -97.822}], GeoLocation[{35.6427, 139.768}], GeoLocation[{48.8582, 2.3387}], GeoLocation[{48.25, 11.65}]}} *) [1]: