There is no documented built-in way to convert the `InterpolatingFunction` object into [explicit `Piecewise` form][1] (thanks for @MichaelE2 for the link!). So the only possibility to get the explicit interpolating function is to re-implement the built-int `Interpolation` in the high-level *Mathematica* language. I have already done this for the built-in `"Spline"` method with `InterpolationOrder -> 2` (quadric spline interpolation with splicing points in the middle of adjacent interpolation points). Spline interpolation in general gives much better results than the default `"Hermite"` method. 

You can use [my implementation of quadric spline interpolation in *Mathemetica*][2] to produce an explicit `Piecewise` function interpolating your data (as opposed to the built-in, it supports arbitrary precision!):

    data = Transpose[{Range[Length[#]], #}] &@{2, 5, 9, 15, 22, 33, 50, 70, 100, 145};
    spline[\[FormalX]_] = makeSpline[toSplineData[data], \[FormalX]]

