One idea is to integrate once to get the sample points then compute the remaining integrals as sums:
sample = SortBy[
Reap[ NIntegrate[x (c = Cos[10 x + Cos[x]]), {x, 0, 5},
EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[{x, c}]] ] , #[[1]] &];
wt = ((#[[3]] - #[[1]])/2) & /@
Partition[Join[{0}, (#[[1]] & /@ sample ) , {5}] , 3 , 1 ] ;
wt . ((Transpose[sample][[2]]) (Transpose[sample][[1]]))
wt . ((Transpose[sample][[2]]) (Transpose[sample][[1]])^2)
wt . ((Transpose[sample][[2]]) (Transpose[sample][[1]])^3)
{0.0133333, 0.133275, 0.861541}
Note the accuracy is not terribly good, NIntegrate gives:
{0.0125266, 0.131514, 0.855716}
Somethings a bit off in my quick&dirty trapezoid integration but i think this can be made to work.