You might consider putting the "type" label inside an Association itself.  This will complicate key addressing but simplify other handling.

    asc = <|"atomData" ->
        <|"Atom Names" -> {"N", "C", "O", "C", "H", "H"}, 
         "Atom Nr" -> {56, 23, 117, 81, 211, 5}, 
         "Resname" -> {ALA, ALA, TYR, LEU, GLY, GLY}, 
         "Bias Value" -> {1, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1}, 
         "getRandomAtom" :> RandomChoice[{56, 23, 117, 81, 211, 5}], 
         "atomExists" :> (MemberQ[{"N", "C", "O", "C", "H", "H"}, #] &)|>|>;
    aDtest[a_Association /; Keys[a] === {"atomData"}] := True;
    f1[a_?aDtest, args__] := a[[1]]["getRandomAtom"] + Total[a[[1]]["Atom Nr"]]

    f1[asc, 2]

>     549

Using `a[[1]]` each time is only one way to approach this; others include:

    f1[aa_?aDtest, args__] := 
      With[{a = aa[[1]]}, a["getRandomAtom"] + Total[a["Atom Nr"]]]


    f1[a_?aDtest, args__] := f1core[a[[1]], args]
    f1core[a_, args__] := a["getRandomAtom"] + Total[a["Atom Nr"]]


## For *Mathematica&* 10.4 or later

The method above can be improved for recent versions of *Mathematica* as follows:

    p1 = <|"atomData" -> a_|>;
    f1[p1, args__] := a["getRandomAtom"] + Total[a["Atom Nr"]]
    f1[asc, 2]

>     549

