I have a question here regarding how to derive multiple output from OutputResponse or in general. Here is a screenshot of the codes[![enter image description here][1]][1] As seen, I have only one quantity plotted. Tried google but didn't manage to find a solution. Thanks in advance! [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/ZDuE6.png The codes are here: ω = 2. Pi*50; Mag = 1; θ = 0.; Tαβ2dqInv22 = {{Cos[ω t], -Sin[ω t]}, {Sin[ω t], Cos[ω t]}}; Tαβ2dq22 = {{Cos[ω t], Sin[ω t]}, {-Sin[ω t], Cos[ω t]}}; Inputαβ22 = {Mag Cos[ω t + θ], Mag Cos[ω t + θ]}; (*Inputαβ22={Mag ,Mag};*) Outαβ2dq22 = FullSimplify[Tαβ2dq22.Inputαβ22] // TrigReduce; g[t_] = OutputResponse[ TransferFunctionModel[(0.67/(0.0025 s + 1) + 1)/(0.0025 s), s], Outαβ2dq22[[1]], t]; f[t_] = OutputResponse[ TransferFunctionModel[(0.67/(0.0025 s + 1) + 1)/(0.0025 s), s], Outαβ2dq22[[2]], t]; Plot[{g[t], f[t]}, {t, 0, 0.2}, PlotRange -> Automatic]