Here is a start. I'm sure others will come up with better solutions, but I think from here it's mostly down to finding a better algorithm to pick the random lines. First, we get ourselves a `Region` representation of the text we want to stylise (someone let me know if there's an easier solution to this): textRegion = DiscretizeGraphics@ ImportString[ExportString[ Style["MUSEUM", FontFamily -> "Arial"], "PDF"], "PDF"][[1]] [![enter image description here][1]][1] This is pretty much all you need. Now it's just a question of how to use that region to pick lines. I tried playing with `RegionIntersection` and random lines but that didn't seem to work, so here is another idea: we start by splitting the text into its individual letters: letters = ConnectedMeshComponents@textRegion Then we simply pick a number of random pairs of points within each letter, and connect them with a line, which we extend a bit on both ends: Graphics[ { [email protected], Line /@ ({2 #2 - #, 2 # - #2} &) @@@ RandomPoint[#, {400, 2}] & /@ letters }, ImageSize -> 800 ] Voilà: [![enter image description here][2]][2] Doesn't look quite as neat and organised as your example, I admit. That's where choosing a better way to generate the lines comes in, maybe prioritising those with angle close to ±90 degrees or something. We can also add colour quite easily, either using completely random colours, or a palette of our choice: palette = ColorData[97, "ColorList"]; Graphics[ { [email protected], {RandomChoice@palette, Line@#} & /@ ({2 #2 - #, 2 # - #2} &) @@@ RandomPoint[#, {400, 2}] & /@ letters }, ImageSize -> 800 ] [![enter image description here][3]][3] [1]: [2]: [3]: