### Background

After failed attempt (1) to create a complex API, by nicely linking my `APIFunction` to a cloud based package, I decided to go with the flow and trust that:

> `CloudDeploy[expr, ...]` automatically deploys all definitions needed to evaluate expr, much like `CloudSave`.

### Problem

but either it can't be trusted or I'm missing the point. It seems that definitions are collected by scanning right-hand-sides of related definitions but not left-hand-sides. 

### Example

    ClearAll[foo, check];
    check = IntegerQ;
    foo[x_?check] := $Failed;
    foo[x_] := x^2

    api = CloudDeploy[
        APIFunction[{"x" -> "Number"}, foo[#x] &]
      , Permissions -> "Public"


    foo[2]     (* -> $Failed*)
    foo[1.2]   (* -> 1.44 *)


    URLExecute[api, {"x" -> 2}]    (* -> 4*) !!!!!!!!!!!
    URLExecute[api, {"x" -> 1.2}]  (* -> 1.44*)

The first `URLExecute` is wrong, it is caused by missing definition of `check`.

One can confirm that by

    Import[api, "Text"]

>     Language`ExtendedFullDefinition[] = Language`DefinitionList[ 
      HoldForm[foo] -> {..., DownValues -> {
        HoldPattern[foo[(x_)?check]] :> $Failed, 
        HoldPattern[foo[x_]] :> x^2
        }, ...

>     APIFunction[{"x" -> "Number"}, foo[#x] & ]

### Questions

- Is this expected? Are there any new guidelines how to write code so it could be collected well? Or is it a flaw in ``Language` ``?

- Is there anything I could read to learn working with the Cloud features in such a way that I won't have to come back here with a question/problem about a basic issue like deployment of dependencies? 

### Links

1. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/147330/5478

2. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/104739/5478

3. https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/125837/5478