### Summary ### This is generalized piece of code for reading **FAST** rows terminated with a newline from a **CSV** or **TSV** text stream with **UTF8 encoding**. You may specify options for the **filetype**, the **starting** and **ending** line number, as well as a string to search for a position in the file (**find**). The **import** option (True/False) controls whether there is going to be a post-processing of the rows read from the file with the ImportString function. This is slower than the ReadList with user specified **types** option or with **import->False**. ### Code ### null[_String] := Null countLines = Length@ReadList[#, null@String, NullRecords -> True] &; ClearAll[readRows]; Options[readRows]={filetype->"CSV",start->0,end->-1, types->{}, import->True, find->""}; readRows[fname_String?FileExistsQ,OptionsPattern[]]:=Module[ {txtstrm, ftype,typesval,impmethod, startLine,endLine,line1,str, hdr, body, bodyImport, blnk}, (* Blank function for skipping word separators, e.g. commas *) blnk[]=blnk[Character]; blnk[_String]=Sequence[]; (* Get Option Values *) startLine=OptionValue[start];endLine=OptionValue[end]; ftype=OptionValue[filetype];typesval=OptionValue[types]; impmethod=OptionValue[import];str=OptionValue[find]; (* Open Stream *) txtstrm=OpenRead[fname]; (* Process Header, i.e. first line *) line1 = ReadList[txtstrm,Record,1][[1]]; Which[ ftype=="CSV", hdr = StringSplit[line1,","], ftype=="TSV", hdr = StringSplit[line1,"\t"], True, Abort[] ]; (* If user has not specified any types for ReadLine, types\[Rule]{} *) If[Length@typesval==0,typesval= Riffle[Table[Word,Length@hdr],blnk[]]]; (* If user has not specified the line to end reading *) If[endLine==-1,endLine=countLines@fname]; (* If user specified to start reading the text stream from a specific line *) If [startLine!=0,Skip[txtstrm,Record,startLine]]; (* If user specified a string to find in a file *) If[str!="",Find[txtstrm,str]]; (* Check the import option for post-processing each row with ImportString *) If[impmethod, body =ReadList[txtstrm,Record,endLine-startLine]; bodyImport= ImportString[StringJoin[Riffle[body,"\n"]],ftype,CharacterEncoding->"UTF-8"], (* else *) Which[ ftype=="CSV", body =ReadList[txtstrm,typesval,endLine-startLine,WordSeparators->{"\n",","}], ftype=="TSV", body =ReadList[txtstrm,typesval,endLine-startLine,WordSeparators->{"\n","\t"}] ]; ]; (* End of If impmethod *) (* Close the stream *) Close[txtstrm]; (* Add the header at the beginning, return the result *) If[impmethod,Prepend[bodyImport,hdr],Prepend[body,hdr]] ] (* End of readRows *) ### Test ### fname = "ExampleData/financialtimeseries.csv"; Take[Import[fname], 10] // TableForm (* With ImportString *) (res = readRows[financialFileName, end->10]) // TableForm Head /@ res[[2]] (* With default ReadLine types *) (res = readRows[financialFileName, end->10, import->False]) // TableForm Head /@ res[[2]] (* With User Specified ReadLine types *) sk[] = sk[Character]; sk[_String] = Sequence[]; mytypes = {Word, sk[], Number}; (res = readRows[financialFileName, end->10, import->False, types->mytypes]) // TableForm Head /@ res[[2]] ### Acknowledgements ### - The **countLines** function is taken [from this answer](http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/23579/18906) of Mr. Wizard. - The combination of **ReadList with ImportString and Riffle** is taken [from an answer in the same post here](http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/3891/18906) by Leonid Shifrin. - The best part of the code, which is the **fastest reading with ReadLine based on user specified types**, is taken [from this answer](http://mathematica.stackexchange.com/a/17880/18906) of Mr. Wizard. It would be great if someone analyze how exactly this blank, skipping characters work and whether I am using them appropriately here. ### Open Source DBAPI Project ### I am planning to include this in my [DBAPI project](http://healis.eu/dbapi/) so If you come up with any improvements on the code above or ideas for further enhancements please let me know. PS1: Is it possible to improve the code so that it can parse quoted strings with embedded commas as in this file "ExampleData/TreesOwnedByTheCityOfChampaign.csv" for example ? What is going to be the types or the blanks to use in ReadLine ? PS2: I have just fixed the FAST reading of TSV. You can specify types for ReadLine now with these files. But I have a little problem with UTF8 encoding. Characters are not displayed correctly ! Try for example to parse this stream tsvStream = {{"Small", "Capital", "IntNum", "RealNum"}, {"αβ", "AB", 5, 2.3`}, {"γδ", "CD", 1, 4.5`}, {"γδ", "CD", 6, 1.6`}, {"χψ", "FG", 1, 1.9`}, {"αβ", "AB", 5, 4.5`}}; (res = DBreadLines[tFilename, filetype -> "TSV", end -> 3, import -> False]) // TableForm Small Capital IntNum RealNum Î\[PlusMinus]Î\.b2 AB 5 2.3 Î\.b3Î\.b4 CD 1 4.5 Î\.b3Î\.b4 CD 6 1.6