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Mike Honeychurch
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How can I work out which functions work with `SetOptions`?

Not all functions seem to work with SetOptions. e.g.

SetOptions[Grid, BaseStyle -> Directive[Red]];
Grid[{{"hello", "world"}}]

hello world

the font is not red.

SetOptions[Row, BaseStyle -> Directive[Red]];
Row[{"hello", "world"}]

hello world

...and the font is red.

SetOptions[InputField, FieldSize -> 5];

the input field size is much larger than 5. But on the other hand

InputField[Dynamic[x], Sequence @@ Options[InputField]]

yields an input field with field size 5. ...and so on.

What is the easiest way to work out (i.e. make a list of ...) which functions can't be used with SetOptions?

Mike Honeychurch
  • 37.8k
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