Here's a polynomial interpolation method, which can be be found in Chapter 5 of [Boyd (2014)]( nn = 64; z0 = w1 + w2; rr = 1.1 w1; ff = N[WeierstrassP[z0 + rr #, inv] - L, Precision[#]] &; wprec = MachinePrecision; tj = 2 Pi*Range[0, nn - 1]/nn; wj = N[Exp[I tj], wprec]; fj = ff /@ wj; (* f[zj] *) aa = InverseFourier[fj]/Sqrt[nn]; (* Rough check of accuracy of interpolation *) "condition"@# -> Log10@Ratios[#] &@N@MinMax@Abs@fj ip = FromDigits[Reverse@aa, (z - z0)/rr]; Max@Table[(ff[z] - ip)/ff[z] /. z -> z0 + r Exp[I t] // N // Abs, {r, (1/8 - 0.01) rr, rr, rr/8}, {t, 0., 2 Pi, 0.2/r}] (* "condition"[{0.0694093, 0.75655}] -> {1.03742} 3.98344*10^-11 *) z2 = Eigenvalues@companionMatrix[aa]; roots = z0 + rr*Select[z2, Abs[#] < 0.999 &] (* {0.776416 + 2.35619 I, 2.36518 + 2.35619 I} *) Graphics[{ EdgeForm@Gray, LightBlue, Disk[ReIm@z0, rr], Gray, Point[ReIm@z0], First@plt, Black, PointSize[Medium], Point@ReIm[roots]}, Frame -> True] ![Mathematica graphics]( Auxiliary code: For the companion matrix, you can use companionMatrix[coeffs_] := Join[SparseArray[ Band[{1, 2}] -> 1, {Length@coeffs - 2, Length@coeffs - 1}], {-coeffs[[;; -2]]/coeffs[[-1]]} ]; Or companionMatrix = NRoots`CompanionMatrix