Mathematica has a bug in that BarChart
s and ListPlot
s with Filling
will export as a pixelated bitmap, not a vector graphic when exporting as EMF format.
There is a workaround, which is to set ImageResolution
to be 1300 or higher in the Export
command, like this:
testdata = RandomReal[{5, 10}, 20];
bg1 = BarChart[{testdata}]
Export["bg1400.emf", bg1, ImageResolution -> 1400]
(No, you don't get a huge file if you set ImageResolution
this high. It somehow tricks it into using vector graphics.)
How can I make this option the default? SetOptions[Export]={ImageResolution -> 1400}
produces an error message that it's not a recognised option to Export
. I also tried:
SetOptions[$FrontEndSession, ConversionOptions -> {"ExportOptions" -> {"EMF" ->
{"IncludeSpecialFonts" -> True, ImageResolution -> 1400}}}]
But that doesn't seem to do anything.
How do I set these export options as the default, e.g. in a package?