I would like to take the following data:
insertvalues = {r, x};
insertpositions = {{1}, {5}};
origlist = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g};
and generate output that looks like this:
Mathematica's Insert
command seems limited in that it does not allow you to insert multiple elements simultaneously into different positions in a list.
I wrote an ugly While loop to accomplish this, and it works, but seems inappropriate for Mathematica's functional approach to coding. Is there a "simpler" way to accomplish this goal with a functional approach? Thank you.
insertvalues = {r, x};
insertpositions = {{1}, {5}};
origlist = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g};
loopcounter = 0; poscounter = 0; final = origlist;
While[loopcounter < Length[insertvalues],
final =
insertvalues[[loopcounter +
1]], (insertpositions[[loopcounter + 1]] + poscounter)];
loopcounter++; poscounter++];