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How can I save the current evaluation state of a notebook and start from it later?

I currently have a nested Table command running (in Mathematica 9), with two progress bars to track the variables. I have to shut down or hibernate the computer in a couple of minutes, and the calculation is only halfway done.

What can I do in such a situation. I'm pretty sure simply hibernating won't work, as I recall it not working in Mathematica 8. Will entering a subsession and then hibernating work? Or entering a subsession and dumping the kernel?

While I don't have any preference towards shutting down or hibernating in my current situation, a solution that allows me to close Mathematica and resume evaluation at some later time (after shutting down, etc) would be ideal.

Note: This question is about a cell which is already running (so I can't modify it), however if it's not possible to do this here, an answer that shows how to run Table in an interrupt-and-saveable manner would be OK1

1. I have a pretty good idea of how to do this (dynamically append data to a list with For instead f using Table), but there may be better ways of doing this.

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