**How to add a legend showing the amplitudes instead of brightness values:** With the help of Julien Kluges answer I have the following code, which is also showing the "frequency" along the axes: img = ColorConvert[ExampleData[{"TestImage", "Lena"}], "Grayscale"]; fft = Fourier[ImageData[img]]; fft = RotateLeft[fft, Floor[Dimensions[fft]/2]]; fftAbsData = Log[Abs[fft]] - Min[Log[Abs[fft]]]; {fftAbsMin, fftAbsMax} = MinMax[fftAbsData]; colorFunc[v_] := Blend[{Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red}, v]; g = Show[Colorize[ Image[(fftAbsData - fftAbsMin)/(fftAbsMax - fftAbsMin)], ColorFunction -> colorFunc]]; myColorTable = Flatten@{Table[{Blend[{Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red}, x]}, {x, 1/256, 1, 1/256}]}; myLegend = BarLegend[{myColorTable, {Exp[fftAbsMin + Min[Log[Abs[fft]]]], Exp[fftAbsMax + Min[Log[Abs[fft]]]]}}, LegendLabel -> "amplitude", LegendMarkerSize -> {40, 300}, LabelStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Calibri", FontSize -> 15}]; Legended[Graphics[Inset[g, Scaled[{.5, .5}], Automatic, Scaled[1]], Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {{"cycles/pixel", ""}, {"cycles/pixel", ""}}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}}, AspectRatio -> ImageAspectRatio@g], myLegend] [![enter image description here][1]][1] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/WLm1L.png