I'm experiencing troubles in obtaining the result of an ordinary differential equation with a boundary condition at infinity. I write down Limit[DSolve[{\[Psi]''[r] + 2/r*\[Psi]'[r] - \[Kappa]^2*\[Psi][r] == 0, \[Psi][a/2] == Subscript[Psi, 0], \[Psi][M] == 0}, \[Psi][r], r], M -> Infinity] And obtain \!\(\*UnderscriptBox[\(\[Limit]\), \(M \[Rule] \[Infinity]\)]\) {{\ \[Psi][r] -> ( a E^((a \[Kappa])/2 - r \[Kappa]) (-E^(2 M \[Kappa]) + E^(2 r \[Kappa])) Subscript[ Psi, 0])/(2 (E^(a \[Kappa]) - E^(2 M \[Kappa])) r)}} Which is correct, but is not evaluated for the limit. How can I force Mathematica to evaluate this limit?