Assuming the file containing the data has the extension ".tsv" and that you want to choose the file from a system file-open dialog (rather than type in the file name), it can be done with data = Module[{path}, path = SystemDialogInput["FileOpen", "*.tsv", WindowTitle -> "Select a TSV file"]; If[path === $Canceled, $Canceled, Import[path, "HeaderLines" -> 1]]]; data > {{"CF2", "triplet", "CC", "NONE", 2.00761, -237.329, "plotted", "./3B1/CF2-CC-t.out"}, {"CF2", "triplet", "DFT", "NONE", 2.00541, -237.601, "plotted", "./3B1/CF2-t.out"}} If don't want to be restricted to the extension ".tsv", use data = Module[{path}, path = SystemDialogInput["FileOpen", "*.*", WindowTitle -> "Select a data file"]; If[path === $Canceled, $Canceled, Import[path, "TSV", "HeaderLines" -> 1]]]; But the file itself will still have to be a tab delimited file.