This should work, using a replacement rule to replace every `y` value with a scaled version, and then making sure that you have a scaled tick mark function as well

    plot = Plot[{x^x, Exp[x], x!}, {x, 1, 5}, 
      PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red, Green}]
    Show[plot /. Line[x__] :> (({#1, Log@#2} & @@@ x) // Line),
     PlotRange -> All,
     Ticks -> {Automatic, Charting`ScaledTicks[{Log, Exp}]}]

![Mathematica graphics](

Or, with OP's example more explicitly

    listplot = 
      ListPlot[Transpose[{#^#, Exp[#], #!} & /@ Range[1, 5]], 
       PlotStyle -> {Darker@Blue, Darker@Red, Darker@Green}];
    plot = Plot[{x^x, Exp[x], x!}, {x, 1, 5}, 
       PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red, Green}, PlotRange -> All];
    combined = Show[plot, listplot]
    Show[combined /.
      {Line[x__] :> (({#1, Log@#2} & @@@ x) // Line), 
       Point[x__] :> (({#1, Log@#2} & @@@ x) // Point)},
     PlotRange -> All,
     Ticks -> {Automatic, Charting`ScaledTicks[{Log, Exp}]}]

![Mathematica graphics](