You mentioned in a related question that you would like to do large numbers of these fits quickly.
If each data set has the same dimensions, you can write a fairly fast implementation of Rahul Narain's method by precomputing arrays of x and y coordinates for the data grid, and flattening the data and using Dot
to calculate the mean and the elements of the covariance matrix:
x = Table[i, {i, 9}, {j, 9}]//N;
y = Transpose[x];
x = Flatten[x]; y = Flatten[y];
semiaxes[data_] := Module[{min, p, mx, my},
min = Min[data];
p = Flatten[data] - min;
p /= Total[p];
mx = x.p;
my = y.p;
With[{a = (x - mx)^2.p, b = ((x - mx) (y - my)).p, c = (y - my)^2.p},
Sqrt @ Eigenvalues[{{a, b}, {b, c}}]]]
(* {1.86325, 1.50567} *)
This runs in about 340 µs on my PC
Compiling can give you even more speed, but you need to replace Eigenvalues
with the explicit symbolic expressions:
semiaxesc =
With[{x = x, y = y},
Compile[{{data, _Real, 2}}, Block[{min, p, mx, my, a, b, c},
min = Min[data];
p = Flatten[data] - min;
p /= Total[p];
mx = x.p;
my = y.p;
a = (x - mx)^2.p;
b = ((x - mx) (y - my)).p;
c = (y - my)^2.p;
{Sqrt[1/2 (a + c - Sqrt[a^2 + 4 b^2 - 2 a c + c^2])],
Sqrt[1/2 (a + c + Sqrt[a^2 + 4 b^2 - 2 a c + c^2])]}],
CompilationTarget -> "C", RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"]];
(* {1.50567, 1.86325} *)
This runs in about 5.7 µs on my PC.