Here I construct a purely vector figure with completely transparent plot markers using `Region` functionality. The advantage of this approach is that the plot markers are really transparent, as opposed to [my previous answer][1], where the transparency was a simulation. The plotted lines do not go through the markers, because the corresponding portions of them are explicitly removed using `RegionDifference`. The parameter `aspectRatio` here defines the aspect ration of the padded plot range (not of the whole figure), as it [does the option `AspectRatio`][2]. The amount of padding may be controlled using the parameners of the `padPlotRange` function (or, alternatively, the full plot range `paddedPlotRange` can be set explicitly). The perfect result is achieved when the options `AspectRatio -> aspectRatio` and `PlotRange -> paddedPlotRange, PlotRangePadding -> None` are set for the final `Graphics`. 


    data = Table[{x, BesselJ[k, x]}, {k, 0, 4}, {x, 0, 10, 0.5}];
    aspectRatio = 1/2;
    markers = {"Circle", "ThreePointedStar", "FourPointedStar", 
       "DiagonalFourPointedStar", "FivePointedStar"};
    colors = {Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange};
    background = Darker@Gray;

Auxiliary functions:

    Clear[padPlotRange, rescaleCoords, rescaleCoordsBack, putMarker, createLineWithMarkers]
    padPlotRange[xPadding_ : .01, yPadding_ : .02][{{xMin_, xMax_}, {yMin_, yMax_}}] := 
     Module[{xd, yd},
      xd = (xMax - xMin)*xPadding;
      yd = (yMax - yMin)*yPadding;
      {{xMin - xd, xMax + xd}, {yMin - yd, yMax + yd}}
    rescaleCoords[paddedPlotRange_, aspectRatio_][pts_] := 
     Module[{xCoords = pts[[All, 1]], yCoords = pts[[All, 2]], xResc, yResc},       
      xResc = Rescale[xCoords, paddedPlotRange[[1]], {0, 1}];
      yResc = Rescale[yCoords, paddedPlotRange[[2]], {0, aspectRatio}];
      Transpose[{xResc, yResc}]
    rescaleCoordsBack[paddedPlotRange_, aspectRatio_][pts_] := 
     Module[{xCoords = pts[[All, 1]], yCoords = pts[[All, 2]], xResc, yResc},       
      xResc = Rescale[xCoords, {0, 1}, paddedPlotRange[[1]]];
      yResc = Rescale[yCoords, {0, aspectRatio}, paddedPlotRange[[2]]];
      Transpose[{xResc, yResc}]
    putMarker[marker_Polygon][pts_] := 
      Polygon /@ Table[# + vect & /@ marker[[1]], {vect, pts}];
    createLineWithMarkers[marker_, pts_, size_ : .02] := 
     Module[{markerPrims, linePrims},
      markerPrims = putMarker[ResourceFunction["PolygonMarker"][marker, size]][pts];
      linePrims = MeshPrimitives[
                         RegionDifference[Line[pts], RegionUnion @@ markerPrims], 1];
      Join[{CapForm[None]}, linePrims, markerPrims]


    dataRange = MinMax /@ Transpose[Flatten[data, 1]];
    paddedPlotRange = padPlotRange[.03, .06]@dataRange;
    dataResc = rescaleCoords[paddedPlotRange, aspectRatio] /@ data;
    primitivesResc = 
      Table[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], FaceForm[None], 
        EdgeForm[{colors[[i]], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], 
          JoinForm[{"Miter", 6}]}], 
        createLineWithMarkers[markers[[i]], dataResc[[i]], .02]}, {i, 
    primitives = 
      primitivesResc /. (h : Line | Polygon)[pts_] :> 
        h@rescaleCoordsBack[paddedPlotRange, aspectRatio][pts];
    pl = Graphics[primitives, AspectRatio -> aspectRatio, 
      ImageSize -> 500, Frame -> True, Background -> background, 
      FrameStyle -> White, ImagePadding -> {{30, 20}, {25, 20}}, 
      GridLines -> Automatic, PlotRange -> paddedPlotRange, 
      PlotRangePadding -> None]


Exporting to PDF and looking closer:

    Export["plot.pdf", pl] // SystemOpen


Looks perfect.
