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Here the problem was solved with a different perspective. You may find other solutions but what made this interesting to me was transforming one problem into another.

Here are the steps:

  1. Create random points in 3d space
  2. For each point, find points it covers
  3. Build a graph out of these connections
  4. Find a minimum set of points which can cover all the vertices by their neighborhood (aka cover all the pairs)

Assume we have a set of pairs:


pairs = RandomInteger[{0, 3}, {20, 3}];

n = Length[pairs];

pairs that have at least two similar axes will be associated for each pair, we can find them by:

 Alternatives @@ 
  Table[ReplacePart[SOMEPAIR, i -> _], {i, 3}], {1}]

If we extend this code further, we could build an AdjacencyMatrix in which we want to select a minimum set of nodes that are never incident to the same edge (like FindIndependentVertexSet but in minimum terms):

graphRules = 
      index \[UndirectedEdge] 
         Alternatives @@ 
          Table[ReplacePart[pairs[[index]], i -> _], {i, 
            3}], {1}]], {index, Length@pairs}];

adjacency = Unitize@AdjacencyMatrix[graphRules];

Showing the graph:


enter image description here

Now we find the vertex set:

result = LinearOptimization[
 {Join[DiagonalMatrix@ConstantArray[1, n], adjacency], 
   Join[ConstantArray[0, n], ConstantArray[-1, n]]}, Integers]

Highlighting the vertex set:

 VertexList[graphRules][[Catenate@Position[result, 1]]]]

enter image description here

The red vertices in the above graph are the pairs you're looking for. Each vertex in the graph is either red or is in the neighborhood of a red vertex (aka is a chosen pair or is covered by a chosen pair). If we get the pairs:

pairs[[VertexList[graphRules][[Catenate@Position[result, 1]]]]]

(* Out: {{2, 3, 0}, {1, 2, 0}, {3, 0, 2}, {2, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 3}} *)

Visualization of these points

Ben Izd
  • 9.5k
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