With the help of comments on this and other stackexchange pages I managed to solve the problem of how to use custom distributions in things like CopulaDistribution
(and other functions like RandomVariate
, Expectation
, etc), and given that it took me a couple of days’ hard slog I thought I’d share my discoveries with this community. Please excuse the flippant nature of the following – it started life as an email to a friend and colleague of mine… :)
(Also, please note that Random
``DistributionVector, mentioned by Sasha in one of the linked posts above, appears to have been changed to
``DistributionVector` in the production release of v9.0.1)
I needed a Mathematica version of Tukey’s “g-and-h” distribution, which is a transform of Z ~ N[0,1] ...
Xgh = A + B/g(Exp[g*Z] - 1)Exp[(h*Z^2)/2]
OK, you’d think just use
ghd = TransformedDistribution[Xgh, Distributed[Z, NormalDistribution[0,1]]
would you not?
Turns out that, even though the above is valid, it takes a very (VERY) long time to compute CDF[ghd, X]
, or even Quantile[ghd, p]
. I tried a number of tricks including Compile
, taking a Taylor series, etc, but I’ve concluded (reluctantly) it’s not viable to use TransformedDistribution
for g-and-h.
OK then, you’d think just use the g-and-h cdf prob in
ghd = ProbabilityDistribution[{“CDF”, prob}, {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
would you not?
Turns out that a symbolic form of the pdf and/or cdf is problematic, and using
prob = CDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], (Z /. FindRoot[Xgh == x, {Z,0}])]
doesn’t cut it with Mathematica. It wants something symbolic inside ProbabilityDistribution
So, I reverted back to my “hand-rolled” (custom) distribution that I’d written before the new fancy enhanced Distributions
came out in v8 & v9. It already had all the std Mathematica things like CDF (implemented as the FindRoot
of Xgh), PDF
, InverseCDF
, Random
, Quantile
, Mean
, Variance
, etc, via the TagSet
feature (ie, defining “up values” of the distribution name). Eg...
GandHDistribution/: InverseCDF[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_], fraction_] :=
Xgh[A, B, g, h, Quantile[NormalDistribution[0, 1], fraction]] /;
DistributionParameterQ[GandHDistribution[A, B, g, h]]
But it turns out that there are a lot of undocumented test functions used by CopulaDistribution
that you also need to define. Also, some of the pre-v8 internals had changed, e.g., ParameterQ
is now DistributionParameterQ
. I found out what was needed by Unprotect[CopulaDistribution]
and then removing the ReadProtected
attribute so that I can see all the required up-value definitions. They appear to be (aside from the “well-known” things like InverseCDF
and DistributionParameterQ
mentioned above)...
DistributionVector[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_],
n_Integer, prec_?Positive] :=
Xgh[A, B, g, h, RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[0, 1], n,
WorkingPrecision -> prec]];
UnivariateDistributionListQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]] := True;
ContinuousUnivariateDistributionQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]] := True;
DiscreteUnivariateDistributionQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]] := False;
ContinuousMultivariateDistributionQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]] := False;
DiscreteMultivariateDistributionQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]] := False;
DistributionNParameterQ[GandHDistribution[A_, B_, g_, h_]]:=
DistributionParameterQ[GandHDistribution[A, B, g, h]];
Now it works like a dream – the CopulaDistribution
function is fantastic.