Using Asymptotic
with an assumption about d
ought to do the job (as in Ulrich's answer):
Asymptotic[f, r->Infinity, Assumptions->d>4]
But it takes too long. On the other hand, it looks like you can help Mathematica by shifting the d
asym = Asymptotic[
FullSimplify[f /. d -> z + 4],
r -> Infinity,
Assumptions -> z > 0
Unfortunately, the output still depends on r
FreeQ[asym, r]
However, if you repeat using Asymptotic
on the above output:
asym2 = Asymptotic[asym, r->Infinity, Assumptions -> z > 0];
The output no longer depends on r
FreeQ[asym2, r]
Shifting back and simplifying yields:
r = FullSimplify[asym2 /. z -> d - 4]
-((2^(1/2 (-3 + 1/(-2 + d))) π^(-1 + d/2) Gamma[1/(2 (-2 + d))] Gamma[-((-1 + d)/(2 (-2 + d)))])/Gamma[(1 + d)/2])
This is equivalent to Roman's answer:
Simplify @ Equal[
-((2^(1/2 (-3+1/(-2+d))) π^(-1+d/2)*Gamma[-((-1+d)/(2 (-2+d)))]*Gamma[1/(-4+2 d)])/Gamma[(1+d)/2])