We use ReIm@p
to get the real pairs then use FindFit
sol = FindFit[ReIm@p, a x + b, {a, b}, x];
eqnR[x_] := a x + b /. sol;
Show[ListPlot[ReIm@p, Joined -> False],
Plot[eqnR[x], {x, 0, 1.4}, PlotStyle -> Red]]
We use ReIm@p
to get the real pairs then use FindFit
sol = FindFit[ReIm@p, a x + b, {a, b}, x];
eqnR[x_] := a x + b /. sol;
Show[ListPlot[ReIm@p, Joined -> False],
Plot[eqnR[x], {x, 0, 1.4}, PlotStyle -> Red]]