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Michael E2
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Bells and whistles. Doesn't replicate the crossings of the orbits in the artwork, but it's more consistent. Colors and lighting are a bit hard to get right.

orbit // Options = {ColorFunction -> None};
orbit[OptionsPattern[]] :=
  With[{cf = OptionValue[ColorFunction],
    rot = ( {
       {1, 0, 1/10},
       {0, 1, 1/10}
      } )}, 
   Polygon[CirclePoints[1., 120].DiagonalMatrix[{0.3, 1.}].rot -> 
     CirclePoints[{-0.07, 0.}, 0.82, 
       120].DiagonalMatrix[{0.3, 1.1}].rot, 
    VertexColors -> (cf /. {None | Automatic -> Automatic, 
        f_ :> f /@ (Range[120]/120.)})]

paths = With[{sph = 0.85 {Cos[-0.85] + 0.05, Sin[-0.85]} {0.3, 1.1}},
    EdgeForm[{Thickness@Medium, White}]
    , {orbit[ColorFunction ->
       (Blend[{Hue[0.05, 1, 0.8], Darker[Yellow, 0.1]}, 
          Cos[Pi # + Pi/4]^2] &)]}
    , GeometricTransformation[
     {orbit[ColorFunction ->
        (Blend[{Hue[0.55, 0.9, 0.7], Darker[Cyan, 0.1]}, 
           Cos[Pi # + Pi/4]^2] &)]},
     RotationTransform[-2 Pi/3, {0, 0, 1}]
    , GeometricTransformation[
     {orbit[ColorFunction ->
        (Blend[{Darker[Green, 0.4], Darker[Yellow, 0.2]}, 
           Cos[Pi # + Pi/4]^2] &)]},
     RotationTransform[2 Pi/3, {0, 0, 1}]
    }, PlotRange -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05], 
   ViewPoint -> Top, Boxed -> False, Lighting -> "Neutral"]

spheres = With[{sph = 0.85 {Cos[-0.85] + 0.05, Sin[-0.85]} {0.3, 1.1}},
      Graphics3D[{Specularity[White, 5], Black, Sphere[]}, 
       Boxed -> False, Lighting -> {{"Point", White, {0, 0, 3}}}],
      Center, Center, Scaled[0.25]],
     , {
      {EdgeForm[White], White, Disk[sph, 0.08]}, 
      Inset[Graphics3D[{Specularity[White, 5], Hue[0.05, 1, 0.8], 
         Sphere[]}, Boxed -> False, 
        Lighting -> {{"Point", Hue[0.1, 1, 1], {0, 0, 3}}, {"Ambient",
       sph, Center, Scaled[0.12]]}
     , GeometricTransformation[
       {EdgeForm[White], White, Disk[sph, 0.08]},
        Graphics3D[{Specularity[White, 5], Hue[0.55, 0.9, 0.75],
          Sphere[]}, Boxed -> False,
         Lighting -> {{"Point", Darker[Cyan, 0.2],
            RotationTransform[2 Pi/3, {1.3, -2.4, 2}]@{0, 0, 
              3}}, {"Ambient", GrayLevel[0.6]}}],
        sph, Center, Scaled[0.12]]},
      RotationTransform[-2 Pi/3]
     , GeometricTransformation[
       {EdgeForm[White], White, Disk[sph, 0.08]},
        Graphics3D[{Specularity[White, 5], Darker[Green, 0.3], 
         Boxed -> False,
         Lighting -> {{"Point", Darker[Yellow, 0.3],
            RotationTransform[-2 Pi/3, {1.3, -2.4, 2}]@{0, 0, 
              3}}, {"Ambient", GrayLevel[0.6]}}],
        sph, Center, Scaled[0.12]]},
      RotationTransform[2 Pi/3]
     }, PlotRange -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05]]

 Graphics[Inset[paths, Center, Center, Scaled[1.8]],
  PlotRange -> 1, PlotRangePadding -> Scaled[.05]],

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Michael E2
  • 244.8k
  • 18
  • 351
  • 774