I want to make a plot with a condition in such a way that the function A3
is zero at above some value of argument x
For example, in the following equation, I need A3[9] = 0
and for x > 9
I also want the plot of the function to go to zero at value x = 9
How I can do that?
A3[x_] :=
10/(2.0816*x) (SphericalBesselJ[1, 2.0816*x/
10]*(-10/(2*2.0816 x) SphericalBesselJ[1, 2.0816*x/10] +
1/2 (SphericalBesselJ[0, 2.08*x/10] -
SphericalBesselJ[2, 2.0816*x/10]))*(Sin[Pi/6])^2) +
(SphericalBesselJ[1, 2.0816*x/10])^2*(Cos[Pi/6])^2/((2.0816*x)/10)^2;
Plot[{A3[x]}, {x, -20, 20}, AxesLabel -> {x, z}]