This is not an answer but a remark about the boundary conditions. Let's look at the equation: r1 = 10^(-6); r2 = 95/10; lambda = 1/10; eqn = {r^2*D[D[a[r], r], r] == a[r]*(a[r] - 1)*(a[r] - 2) - r^2*h[r]^2*(1 - a[r]), D[r^2*D[h[r], r], r] == 2*h[r]*(1 - a[r])^2 + \[Lambda]*r^2*(h[r]^2 - 1)*h[r]}; bc = {a[r1] == 0, a[r2] == 1, h[r1] == 0, h[r2] == 1}; {teqn, tbc} = {eqn, bc} /. {a -> (#1^2*g[#1] &), h -> (#1*j[#1] &)}; teqn /. {g -> u, j -> v} // Expand; {gsol, jsol} = NDSolveValue[{teqn, tbc} /. \[Lambda] -> lambda, {g, j}, {r, r1, r2}, Method -> {"ExplicitRungeKutta", "DifferenceOrder" -> 5}, WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision]; If we look at the plot: Plot[{gsol[r], jsol[r]}, {r, r1, r2}, PlotRange -> {{-0.05, 0.15}, All}] [![enter image description here][1]][1] We note a jump at the left hand side. The solver has trouble satisfying this BC (and the solver xzczd wrote has a similar problem). The actual values: {gsol[r] - 0, jsol[r] - 0} /. r -> r1 {gsol[r] - 1/90.25, jsol[r] - 1/9.5} /. r -> r2 {0.00147074, 1.38778*10^-16} {-1.23805*10^-10, 2.58372*10^-11} Do not quite match the requested bc at `r1` for `gsol`. If you were, just for fun (this is not the right thing to do), to replace the bcs in the following way: {gsol2, jsol2} = NDSolveValue[{teqn, {g[1/1000000] == gsol[0.001], 90.25` g[9.5`] == 1, j[1/1000000] == jsol[0.001], 9.5` j[9.5`] == 1}} /. \[Lambda] -> lambda, {g, j}, {r, r1, r2}, Method -> {"ExplicitRungeKutta", "DifferenceOrder" -> 5}, WorkingPrecision -> MachinePrecision]; You will note that the convergence is much quicker then with the above BCs. Where did you find these BCs. Are sure they make sense and are correct? [1]: