A few years ago, in an earlier version of *Mathematica*™, I had lovely results in exporting to HTML, a map made with GeoGraphics with Tooltips for counties.

I've just tried doing something similar and the Tooltip only shows the first Tooltip text.  This code shows the problem when the html file is exported.

    test = GeoGraphics[{Red, 
        Tooltip[Entity["Country", "Canada"]["Polygon"], "Canada"], Green, 
        Tooltip[Entity["Country", "Mexico"]["Polygon"], "Mexico"], Orange,
         Entity["AdministrativeDivision", {"Alaska", "UnitedStates"}][
          "Polygon"], "Alaska"]}];
    Print[ test];
    Export["test.html", test]

Mathematica and Wolfram Player work fine, but the HTML code would be more  generally accessible for workmates that don't use Mathematica (or Player). 
I have tried viewing this file with Firefox, Chrome and Safari, all with the same disappointing result, as shown here:
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

What gives?  Is there a solution to this problem?

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/HhaoX.png