Try setting `TextPadding -> True`. It does more or less the same as the builtin [`ContentPadding`]( It is described in SciDrawGuide.pdf. ---- What `ContentPadding -> True` does, in simple terms, is that it makes the enclosing box have a vertical size equal to a full line height. Otherwise the box has the same height as the enclosed character/text. SciDraw positions textual elements wrapped in boxes. For good alignment it is necessary that all boxes have the same height. This is done by enforcing a minimum line height. [MaTeX]( also has such an option, precisely for dealing with this kind of problem. ---- Example: << SciDraw` labelFun[x_, _] := Module[{frac = Rationalize[x/Pi] Pi, num, den}, num = Numerator[frac]; den = Denominator[frac]; If[den == 1, num, StringForm["``/``", num, den] ] ] Figure[ FigurePanel[{FigGraphics@Plot[Cos[ωt]^2, {ωt, 0, 2 π}];}, XPlotRange -> {0, 2 π}, XTicks -> LinTicks[-2 Pi, 2 Pi, Pi/2, 4, TickLabelFunction -> labelFun], TextPadding -> True, XExtendRange -> 0.02, YExtendRange -> 0.04 ], CanvasSize -> {5, 3}] I'm not sure what the best way is to get correct spacing around the `/` sign, but the following works: replace the string in `StringForm` with `"\!\(TraditionalForm\```/``\)"`. This is a string representation of boxes. I obtained it by writing a single character into a string, selecting it, then pressing Command-Shift-T to convert it to TraditionalForm. This created a traditional form environment within the string. Then I deleted the character and typed what I wanted instead. [![enter image description here][1]][1] To set things such as font size, etc. use options such as `FontSize`, `TickFontSize`, `XTickFontSize`, etc., depending on how specific you want to be. It is not necessary to use `Style` here. These can also be set at the level of the `Figure`, as these options are inherited. Or you can use `DefineStyle` and re-use it across several figures. That's what I usually do when using SciDraw. You may also be interested in the `*TextNudge` options, e.g. try `XTickTextNudge -> -2` to position the ticks further from the frame. [1]: